
The Kingdom Calendar uses only the ordinances of Genesis, Enoch, Jubilees, and Deuteronomy to lay out the structure and determine the beginning of the year.

The Kingdom Calendar has been verified to be in complete harmony with the multiple Scriptural calendar related witnesses (specific and implied) that are found in: Genesis; Exodus; Jubilees; Numbers; Leviticus; Deuteronomy; Ezekiel; Daniel; Malachi; Matthew; Mark; Luke; John; Acts; 1 Corinthians; and Revelation (many of these witnesses are shown in “Lost Calendar and Found”, Part 3 of the “In Search of… The Lost Calendar series; the rest will be included in Part 4).

The 2024 calendar can be downloaded as a pdf file here: The Kingdom Calendar (2024)

The Kingdom Calendar (2024) – Where the Sea Parted in Saudi Arabia

Previous year Kingdom Calendars